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Saturday 3 June 2023


 Well,at long last, it's the FA Cup Final today, and for once, it's a sensible 3 'o clock kick-off, instead of the stupid 1730 time that was enforced. I'm not the slightest bothered who wins from the two teams competing today, but I sincerely hope both of them will kick each other off the park.


Well,I was very pleased to see City beat their scumbag opponents in the game, but again, I wasn't the slightest bothered by either of them. I always relish it when the scumbags from ot(yes,small letters are deliberate yet again) lose in a major cup final.Sadly,there were clashes between the thugs during the day,so I hope those responsible suffer for what they did.On closing, I found it immensely satisfying to see the losers fall into despair at the final whistle. I can't stand Fergie, Roy Keane or anyone who adores that 'club '

I really hope they have a miserable next season. 

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