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Friday 9 June 2023

Quick Update.

 I'm planning a couple more commissions, and I'm just waiting for that last one I posted here to be coloured. I was pleased to hear from that chap in Mexico get back in touch with me, as I love a lot of his work. Amorim is still in the picture, so I'll be asking him for new pictures and pages too.And of course, Rafa also.

Really looking forward to seeing what they can do for me.


I've also been on the receiving end on social media recently, and it hasn't been a pleasant experience. I'd made a couple of comments on some videos there,and I had said the right thing. Sadly, some individuals chose to verbally abuse me.I was utterly dumbfounded by their reaction, so it sharply increased my awareness of how dangerous social media can be. Of course, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it,but it just proved to me how a lot of people can be really nasty on the Internet. I'll never know if these people really meant what they said, or they were just hoping for a reaction. Such a sad state of affairs in some people's minds. I can just shake my head at it,and it's taught me a valuable lesson. At least I will always hate Luton Town. Not much appreciation from that lot.Bastards.

I'll certainly be giving this arrogant lot much deserved verbal abuse next season. 

Oh well....


Anyway, stuff 'em. I was very pleased to see Jeb finally make an update on his site. I was wondering when or if he would return.He's wrote that he hasn't written any new stories as yet, but it's really good to see him back. 

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