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Wednesday 12 July 2023

The New Dr Who-What a load of Crap!

 Sorry, rant time again. When the new Dr Who came out, I always knew it wasn't going to be the same as the old show.Of course, there were a lot of dreadful stories in the old series, but the cast at the time were fantastic. I really enjoyed watching them performing, despite some writers shocking stories. It still had that adventure, fun spirit. The Doctor landing somewhere, where the bad guys were up to no good. He'd use his brains to outsmart them,have his many a pretty female companion also help out to rally the good guys to fight. Of course, I also eagerly watched the show to see the pretty girls performing bound and gagged scenes, where the Doctor or sometimes his male companions would go to rescue her. Some scenes were better than others, but I was pleased to see such scenes. 

Now,I will admit I haven't watched much of the new show,but what I have watched hasn't impressed me. The Doctor is a female character now,and any of her female assistants are tough fighters,and the male companions appear to be the ones in trouble a lot in the show. To me,this is utter garbage. The show is sadly PC,and I will never accept this kind of writing. Female characters appear to be hardly in trouble anymore, and I can't recall any full treatment scenes for any of them. Even worse, I clench my teeth in utter frustration when I watch a pretty actress performing in the show, mouthing off how refreshing it is,to see their gender as the true heroines of the day.

Yep,I'll always utterly despise the new show,as I will always prefer the old stories. The modern cast nowadays just don't have it.Nobody could beat the Doctor's companions of Ian,Barbara, Victoria, Polly,Leela Sarah Jane,Peri and Ace Great performances from all of them in the show, although I was hoping Ace would have had more scenes, but there were plenty of damsel in distress scenes for the female characters mentioned. Sadly, the new show has ruined it forever. 

Rant over... 

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